I have a BETA VHS version of
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas recorded off of HBO from the
Recently, I found the tape and got my BETA machine fixed. I transferred
the tape to DVD in time for last Christmas. It was amazing, as an adult,
to watch the version that I loved as a child.
Read the article below to understand the different edited versions of the
show. The HBO version I have opens with Kermit The Frog. It has the scene
when Ma Otter tells Gretchen Fox "I would really appreciate it if
you'd...fall off the dock." It has all of the scenes listed below. Any
version of the movie is great, but I think I have the closest unedited
version available.
E-mail me through my HolidayPages4u
website if you would like a copy.
first two video releases, from 1982 and 1996, both did not include the
scene with a group of bunnies dancing at the talent show. Both of these
video releases also had a shortened version of "There ain't no hole in the
new Disney/HIT DVD has removed all instances of Kermit the Frog due to
rights issues, however they also included (in the extras section) all of
the footage (listed in an above post) that appear in the original version
only on HBO. The previous dvd version (Sony) keeps the kermit footage but
does not contain any of the HBO footage, or really any other extras for
that matter
HBO version still has one difference that does not appear on the new
Disney/HIT dvd, or any other video release. After the scene in the very
beginning When Emmet and his mother sing "Hole in the Washtub", the
picture fades out and we see an over head shot that zooms onto Emmet's
house and he comes out of the back door (music plays in the background for
this whole scene). The HBO version of this scene is exactly the same
except we have some added narration (that plays on top of the music) from
Kermit the Frog. The narration is as follows:
"One morning Frog Town Hollow awoke to discover winter had arrived. With
ice on the river and snow on the fields, Emmet did his chores not
knowing it would be a very special day".
The narration ends right before Emmet appears out of his back door.
DVD release has some footage removed from the original print of the movie
such as...
When talking to Gretchen Fox, Ma Otter tells her "I would really
appreciate it if you'd...fall off the dock." This part is edited out.
When Ma and Emmett are rowing home in the boat some dialogue is cut
before the "ain't no hole in the washtub" song. Ma says, "Oh there ain't
no hole in the washtub, that's your basic keeping warm while you're
rowing home song." Emmett says. "I'm rowing, where's the singing?" This
part is completely removed.
Originally, after the hedgehog finishes mangling "Barbecue", Harrison
Fox says to the stage manager, "Better get ready. We're off to a shaky
start." (I don't remember the exact line, but that's close.) Then it
fades to black, fading up on Fox finding the jug band in the alley
(suggesting a passage of time).
Second, the DVD version cuts Kermit's final narration in Doc Bullfrog's